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Challenge that faced by parents

during pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up families all over the world.

Parents need to work from home and take care their children.

Here we listed up challenge that might face by parents during pandemic.

By Teoh Ci Ying
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1. Managing their time

Parents need to manage their time between work and taking care of their children while they work from home.


This includes attending to their children’s needs and classes (different class time table, school work, and sending the homework to the teachers) as well attending meetings from home.


2. Keeping a healthy routine

Sometimes working from home may not be ideal as the working hours are stretched past the normal working hours with additional work and meetings.


It will be a challenge for parents to be able to ‘punch out’ (stop working) from their homes to concentrate on their children.


This will also disrupt the children’s routine of fixed meals, play time and sleep. Routine is important for children.


3. Getting their children engaged in their studies

Most children took the advantage of not going to school and tuitions, as a holiday, especially the younger ones, (normally 10 years old and below due to no major exams taking place).


It can also be a challenging and mentally tired for children to focus on the computer on an extended time without much interaction with their peers.


4. Growing anxiety and stress

Parents will get anxious for their family’s well-being especially when the virus is in the community.


Some parents can get overly paranoid especially with personal hygiene with special care when going out or choose not to go out if possible.

Source: Janice Leong Fong Yi, Registed Counsellor

D'Home Mental Health Association

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