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Motivating your kids to brush their teeth can be a challenge.

Sometimes they refuse to brush their teeth for a number of reasons.


Here are few tips on how to get your kid to brush teeth.

6 ways to teach your

kids about money

Financial education should start from childhood, it is important for kids so they can be street smart in the future.  

Some parents might face difficulties on how to explain about money and expenditure to their kids.

By Teoh Ci Ying

According to Founder of Little Tauke, Ng Pui Yee, some parents might have some misunderstanding about children’s financial education. They worry that their children will pay too much attention to money and become more realistic whereas children financial management is actually mainly to cultivate children to establish a correct concept of money, and develop a good habit of not spending money randomly.


1. Classified type of money

Parents can show their children money type of money. Such as, coins, cash. There were different colour and picture at the back of the notes and let them differentiate each of them.


2. Explained ‘wants’ and ‘needs’

Every time your children wants to buy something, let them think about whether it is a ’want’ or a ‘need’. Let them understand we should think wisely before we spending.


Children are responsible for paying things they've got to wait until there're enough money before buying.


3. Prepare a piggy jar

A piggy jar can be a great way to teach your kids the importance of saving. Let them control their own money. Tell them the more they save, the more money will have.


When the piggy jar is full, parents can reward them some interest, such as RM5 or RM20. This approach work as an interest or return paid by bank, it also allows children to understand that wealth needs to be accumulated.


4. Let them control their own money

Parents should trust their children with their money, and observe. Children who overspend money will understand that is does not belong to them so that they start to have their own money, they will think wisely before they overspending.


5. Involve them in family financial discussion

Parents can explain to their children when they are making decision relating to money. Other than that, parents also can let them involve in family finances discussion, so that they will know about their own family expenses.


6. Set a good example

Parent’s behaviour will directly affect their children. The best way to teach your child about saving money is to save money yourself. Teach your kids about why and how you are saving.

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